Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Child Marraige : A Curse To The Nation

Akha Teej, considered the most auspicious day for weddings, is almost synonymous with child marriage in Rajasthan. Scores of children are married off each year in Rajasthan on Akha Teej. To save the cost of large weddings, younger siblings ...are often married off along with their older ones. Officials are on high alert to prevent these marriages. 2 days back, 5000 Villagers of Jhalawar, allegedly assaulted & pelted stones at Officials who tried to stop the child marriages. Child marriage is one of the main factors in deaths of young mothers during pregnancy as 40 per cent of Maternal Mortality is due to under age pregnancies.
Why do you think child marriages are rampant, despite a more stringent law?

1 comment:

  1. Why the media of Rajasthan not highlighted the drawbacks of government..!!1
